The Session Analyzer is one of the applications in the Automated Cost Estimating Integrated Tools (ACEIT). The Session Analyzer scans your ACE session and identifies potential problems that could lead to unexpected numerical results. It makes sure that good ACE modeling practices have been implemented. After scanning the session, you can generate a report that provides detailed information on potential problems in the ACE session.
The session analyzer can run the following tests:
- Norm. Year - Verifies that cost results do not change when base year of the session is changed.
- Units - Verifies that cost results do not change when units of the session are changed.
- Add Leading Fiscal Years - Verifies that cost results do not change when years are added to the beginning of the session.
- Add Trailing Fiscal Years - Verifies that cost results do not change when years are added to the end of the session.
- Undefined Variables - Verifies that there are no variables that have the words "User Defined" in the WBS/CES Description, have a blank value and are being used by an equation in the session.
- Yearly Gap/Overlap by Phase - Verifies that no zero-cost years occur between years that have costs.
- Sunk Cost - Verifies that no sunk costs are entered in a future year.
- Baseline Override - Verifies that there are no overrides in the Baseline case.
- Army CES Appropriation - Verifies that appropriation terms entered are appropriate for the CES number.
- Army CES External Code - Verifies that External Codes correspond to the CES number.
- Army CES RI$K - Verifies that confidence levels for items marked with CES numbers are within reason.
- RI$K CV Test - Verifies that the Coefficient of Variation (CV) for WBS level 1 and 2 elements are within reason.
- RI$K Correlation - Verifies that correlation has been defined in the session.
If test failures are found, the Session Analyzer will provide warnings. Session Analyzer automatically generates a Report that lists all the rows where the selected tests failed.