ACEIT Tutoring & Customized Support is offered 2 ways, onsite or remote, providing a one-on-one training environment on ACEIT features/techniques to directly solve your specific problems. Through this offering we can provide hands-on training to first-time users in implementing an ACE cost model, help convert Excel (or other) models to ACEIT, provide guidance on how to use the ACEIT API, and provide advanced training on key concepts to make your model sensitive to input parameter changes.
This type of training is offered in blocks of 40 hours. If on-site, additional charges will be included to cover travel expenses. Travel time will be deducted from hours purchased. The hours for each block are available for 6 months at which time the hours expire. ACEIT Tutoring & Customized Support is the most effective way for users to get a quick start in using ACEIT. For a training quote that best fits your needs, contact [email protected] or by phone (805) 964-6963.