ICEAA CCEA Exam Preparation Class Utilizing CEBoK Licensed Materials (On-Site Only)
Course developed by ICEAA with instruction provided by Tecolote Research, Inc.
COURSE LENGTH: 5 Days (8:30am – 4:30pm)
PREREQUISITES: Students must have basic knowledge of cost analysis and statistics. Each student must have a licensed copy of CEBoK
OBJECTIVE: This class covers the entire set of CEBoK training materials developed by ICEAA to prepare analysts for taking the ICEAA CCEA exam. The course is delivered by highly experienced trainers who are CCEAs.
Our strength is that we not only teach the CeBOK materials, we augment with relevant field experience, engage the students with thought provoking questions and lead students in hands on exercises. We avoid having students memorize content by rote. It is much easier to remember the material when its relevance to day-to-day work is made clear, thus developing a true understanding of the material. We step through each ICEAA developed PowerPoint slide and focus the student’s attention to the core concepts essential to module objective and consistent with “exam typical questions”. We do not teach to the exam because the true goal is to understand the material. Besides, the exams are constantly changing. Our emphasis is to directly engage students each step of the way to ensure they have acquired the lesson intent, demonstrate a mastery of the concepts and develop an understanding as to how they can apply these concepts in executing their jobs. Our first step in achieving this goal is to work with you to be sure we understand your environment. Our pricing includes several days of preparation working with you to ensure we come prepared to make the best of the time we have with you.
Our expectation is that all students will already be registered users of CeBOK and will bring to class their personal copy, complete with any notes and questions they have already recorded in their copy of the material. As registered users of CeBOK we will have our own copies and will use the official CeBOK PowerPoint presentations to step through each module.
We are sanctioned by ICEAA because our price to you includes the prevailing cost per student that ICEAA charges for their permission to use their materials in a classroom environment. In addition to ICEAA material, we bring one or two page synopsis documents for each module (developed by Tecolote), a summary of all the most important equations and sheets designed to help you practice for the exam.